New York's First Professional Wine Organization

Dylan York

Dylan York is wearing a charcoal grey sweater over a black and white checked short. His hands are clasped near his face and he is wearing a wrist watch.

Dylan York, SSA Principal, VP of Revana Vineyards

Dylan York

Dylan cut his teeth in the restaurant business at an early age while pursuing a bachelor’s degree in science with plans of continuing on to medical school. But, a magical bottle of Bordeaux changed his course. Dylan has since worked in all aspects of the wine industry—production, sales and retail —but teaching is his passion. Dylan’s classes are highly interactive and seek to debunk the myths about wines and wine appreciation. Dylan currently resides in Brooklyn as the VP of Revana Vineyards.

Dylan began as an instructor with SSA in 2016, and designing and developing our curriculum and Advanced Tasting Workshops since 2017.

Follow Dylan's wine journeys on Instagram, @dylanandthevine